Enumeration and Port Scanning

Enumeration Introduction

  • Enumeration extracts information about:
    • Resources or shares on the network
    • User names or groups assigned on the network
    • Last time user logged on
    • User’s password
  • Port scanning and footprinting is used to determine OS being used
  • Intrusive process
  • NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) is a tool for enumerating Microsoft OSs

using wpscan to do enumeration on jo1.pentest.id

from the wpscan — url http://jo1.pentest.id –enumerate u -r command I got the username of the admin of the site.

After that following the Hint given in the jo1.pentest.id I got the list of possible password for the admin of the site

after that i tried to brute force the system using the available possible password using wpscan –url jo1.pentest.id –wordlist password.txt –username adminjo –threads 50 -r

From the command one of the possible password match with the admin password so the wpscan gives back the result of the matched password.